by Editor
“Only the liberated one can save the world. The blind cannot guide the blind.”
– Sri Ramana Maharshi
Keeping in mind the above statement, the website editor does not profess to be a teacher or to be able to give guidance.
Content here is aimed at an attempt to digest, put into perspective and make sense out of some of the myriad of esoteric teachings in the world.
In order to be successful we must serve a purpose, defined here as follows:
To facilitate the spiritual search of a certain segment who define themselves as “esoteric.”
By “esoteric” in general is meant the secret or hidden teachings followed by a few, rather than mass movements folowed by the many.
This is not to denigrate the faith of anyone. As a matter of fact we can be guided by the words of William Samuel:
“God would be a sadist if one’s saving grace depended on a detailed knowledge of philosophy. What kind of god would require continual delving into the abstruse and arcane lore of mysticism or metaphysics as a passport to a Reality that is already ONLY and unchallenged?”
That said, it is commonly held in esoteric circles that
1. There is an inner core to all major religions.
2. These cores have much in common with each other.
3. What they have in common is the study of man and his possibilities.
4. The “masses” of man are not interested in a prolonged study of themselves. [Vernon Howard: What man loves the most of all, is himself as he currently is.]
5. All human activity is pyramidal in form, whether educational, financial, political or spiritual.
6. Consciousness can’t be developed in an unconscious manner, and requires a special work and understanding.
7. Solitary investigation usually goes nowhere, with a few noteworthy exceptions.
8. Working with others requires language and systems, with the downside that these become corrupted and weak over time.
more here later